Trailers Without Pity: The Grey
9 Jan
I know I say this every three or four episodes, but this is honestly my favorite Trailers Without Pity we’ve done in a while. I found the trailer for The Grey, an Alaskan wolf-fighting movie, to be hilarious on its face and it wasn’t hard for us to put together a video combining a Liam Neeson job interview (“No, not basically like dogs at all!”), Muppet-looking creatures with glowing eyes and the obligatory cannibalism joke.
It was a lot of fun to do this one. It went up on Television Without Pity last week, but I didn’t have a chance to post about it till now.
You can see the video on TWOP or view it below.
Programming note: my grandmother, Diamantina Gallaga, passed away over the weekend. I’m working today and calling upon my awesome powers of compartmentalization to get through the afternoon. I recognize the weirdness of posting about a funny online video even as my family is mourning. I’m clearing the decks of work and ephemera to get everything off my plate for now. For those who’ve already reached out of offered their well-wishes, my brother Pablo and I really appreciate it. Thanks so much.