Late last night, I sent out the last notify e-mail for Terribly Happy. It was long and I don't plan to repost it here. It was full of updates on what's been going on since the last notify e-mail (which, if I'm not mistaken, was more than a year and a half ago).
If you want to read it, drop me a line and I'll forward it to you, but it was mostly just to say that the e-mail list isn't really the most efficient way to let people know what I'm up to anymore and that I'm retiring it after a good, long run.
Trailers w/o Pity: Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen
I still get a kick out of working on these with my brother, Pablo (who, by the way, turns 25 on Thursday). This week, we looked at Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the latest leg on our Trailers Without Pity "Giant toy/superhero/comic book tour '09." I think the next one will be a different genre.
I also had an NPR All Tech Considered segment on Monday about universities and technology, but I don't think it was my best work, not by a long shot. We had major problems connecting from the UT studio via an ISDN line and by the time it got sorted out, I had to hold up a phone and listen to it while talking into a microphone, alone in a small room.
We had five minutes to do what we usually do in 30 minutes and the result is I think I sound very rushed and uncertain. On top of that, it's not a topic I've got a depth of knowledge about, but I really did think, going in, that I had done all the research I needed to do. I still don't sound confident, and that really bothers me. At least the Clickers segment turned out well.
Next Friday is South by Southwest Interactive and I already feel like I've been in the trenches for days. I've been working on lots of stories that run next week and just trying to keep myself organized before five days of 24/7 work. It's going to be lots of fun, but also very exhausting and I'm trying to stay healthy and rested.
In completely other news, I'm close to sending out the last Terribly Happy Notify e-mail. The e-mail served its purpose, but now I rarely send it out and it feels like a relic from a bygone era. I'll send out one last notice, but if you're on the list and haven't gotten a message in a while, it's not you, it's me.