Bloggstyle/Terribly Happy have relaunched. Get the lowdown here and check out the new blog page here. You can still access the older Bloggystyle page here.


Other featured entries:

10/25/05 -- The five-year anniversary

6/2/04 -- Space Monkeys: The Revengening

4/21/04 -- Future Country Classics


Featured link: Neti Pot Adventures!

Clip Art Corner

I think that I shall never see/
A dork as lonely as thee, by the tree.

Clip Art Corner: The explanation
Last year, I bought a 101,000-image
clipart package. I'm posting images here until I feel I've gotten my money's worth.

The usual stuff:
Copyright 2000-2012 by Omar G.
E-mail if you want to be notified of updates.
Don't use any of this stuff unless you plan to pay me first...