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Saturday, October 20, 2007
Proposed new title for HBO's Tell Me You Love Me
Boring & Boning.
by Omar G. at 10:24 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
My geek date
We're having a "Team Fortress 2" tourney tonight for the folks who post on Videogamey (Glark and I have somehow managed to convince folks to buy "The Orange Box," in some cases against their deepest will).
If you wanna join us, just add me as a friend on Steam where I am "OmarG". We're playing starting around 8 p.m. CST tonight.
by Omar G. at 4:58 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
More bad news
Now it can be told: the CW show Online Nation had been planning on showing our Latino Comedy Project "300" sketch. And the show just got canceled.
We were finalizing a contract on it (we're a bit leery of giving up ownership or future rebroadcasting rights of anything we do at this point). But it was also a race against time because based on the ratings, we had a feeling the show might not make it long enough for us to get on the air.
Oh well. There's always those emerging Latino networks. And it's not like a lot of people would have seen it.
by Omar G. at 10:02 PM
Well, THIS can't be good
David's in trouble!
What should we do?

by Omar G. at 9:58 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Pimpery: Still pays
I had some things to share earlier, but instead of parceling them out in several communiques, like pimp spittle, I decided to hold off and do it all at once, so as not to molest your gentle RSSs. I do so like your RSS. It feeds well.
Anyway, we had a new Space Monkeys! comic this morning. I know that we don't pump these out two-a-week like we were doing for a while. I attribute that to the fact that there's a whole extra human around to take care of these days, but we are consistent in our inconsistency and I have made my peace with that. Scroll down below the comic for my thoughts on the exciting future of eyewear. It was just an excuse to use the word "Haberdashery," really.
Next, a review of mine of the game "The Orange Box" (it's actually five amazing games, all bundled in one package) ran in today's paper. You can read the short print version here or read my full love letter to Valve Software in this Digital Savant post.
I've been playing the shit out of "Team Fortress 2" lately, and that's part of "The Orange Box" as is "Half-Life 2," "Half-Life 2: Episode 1" and the new "Half-Life 2: Episode 2." Then they threw in "Portal," which is a mind-blower and damn, that's at least $200 worth of games right there. Is it any wonder that I gave it a glowing review at the nexus of Perfection and Bargain Avenues?
There's been quite a lot over on Digital Savant lately, including stuff about a weird MP3 donation site that they're trying to get kids to flog and my trashing of an AMD gaming Web site. I also struggled with whether I should sell the domain name "Babycation.com" and there's a whole entry (with lots of useful comments) on that.
I had a new weecap of How I Met Your Mother on TWoP today as well as a new recap of Smallville:
America's Next Top Felons -- A trio of weather-controlling vixens violates the sanctity of the Miss Sweet Corn pageant. So, of course, Kara the Supergirl decides she absolutely must have the crown. Also, Lana returns to town, alive and well. We'll try to hide our despair and horror.
And, friend-pimp: Pamie's got a new show she's writing for on ABC called Samantha Who? I haven't watched it yet, but the reviews have been positive and it's sitting on my TiVo waiting for me to not be so busy. Check 'er out.
by Omar G. at 11:08 PM
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