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Friday, October 12, 2007
It's been a while... Click here for the Flickr.com version.
...since I posted a picture of Lilly.
She smiles now in the mornings when I go to her crib and makes little noises. It's quite a thrill.
She had several shots today, so she's in a really awful mood right now. Hoping she feels better tomorrow.
by Omar G. at 7:29 PM
I am insulted...
...that Access Hollywood not only thinks I care about Jermaine Jackson's divorce, but that I need an e-mail updating me on the situation.
Oh, Access Hollywood.
by Omar G. at 1:30 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The domain name I almost sold
I blogged for work about "babycation.com" and how someone offered to by it recently. Somebody in the domain trade must have linked to it somewhere because there's been a few really insightful comments on the post from people in the business.
by Omar G. at 11:16 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
You'll go to Hell for what your dirty mind is thinking
I'm at work right now and someone was kind enough to bring me a copy of Radiohead's new CD, In Rainbows which I'll be downloading myself later when their Web site is back up. (I think their site being completely inaccessible right now is a good sign for sales with their paradigm-shifting sales strategy.)
My goodness. I just feel floaty, like I'm in a dream.
Every Radiohead is an experience and this one is no different. It's sad that I may remember my first listen as sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen, but the songs are really beautiful.
I remember the first time I heard OK Computer; I'd just moved to Austin and I was driving down loop 360 at night and I had no idea where I was going. I remember listening to Kid A on a friend's couch, start to finish, my eyes closed. I laid on my bed and listened to Hail to the Thief with headphones and the lights out.
I've been waiting for almost 10 years for a studio version of "Nude / Big Ideas (Don't Get Any)" and here it is, finally. Gorgeous and sweeping and sad and soaring. I miss the last, intense stanza ("Now that you found it / it's gone. Now that you feel it / you don't / You've gone off the rails"), but when Thom Yorke sings the word "...thinking" and it just goes and goes and soars to Heaven... All is forgiven. It would be a repeated lyric, anyway.
PJ and I have been talking about it all day since I sent him the files (we're both buying the pricey boxed set; we're not stiffing the band here). The album feels a lot more cohesive. It feels like a real album with real songs, not bleeps and bloops and rounded around the edges with interesting filler. (It's still filler on some of those most recent albums.)
I probably need to listen to it a few more times before I convince myself it's their best album since OK Computer, but so far it all just sounds so clear and musical. Thom's voice is far up front, more like it was on his solo album The Eraser that it was on any of the last Radiohead ones.
There's a lot of sound effects that sound like they were taken right out of some of the Amnesiac and Hail b-sides.
I think working these songs live instead of spending months twiddling in the studio has really revitalized their sound. I love Radiohead and I'll listen to the most out-there stuff they'll put out. But it's wonderful to have an album of 10 songs, all of them clearly fully fleshed out, and for the whole album to feel like it belongs together instead of stuff that goes in all directions and never settles into a distinct whole.
I'm going to be listening some more.
by Omar G. at 5:31 PM
Monday, October 08, 2007
What on ON
A story in today's paper, about Austin-based ON Networks is up online.
I also edited a little video for it. You can find that here. I'm not really happy with the name titles I put on it, but eh, what are you gonna do.
We had a very rough night last night, sleep-wise. I had a really important interview this morning and whenever there's pressure to get a good night's sleep, I usually don't. Still, the interview went really well for a very important project that runs around Thanksgiving. It's one of those rare pieces that comes along that makes me feel lucky to have the job that I have.
Lilly turns eight weeks today. I don't know what she thinks of us precisely, but when I go by her crib and she's not crying over a wet diaper or hunger, she smiles at me and flairs her little arms and legs. She makes little gurgly noises, tiny precursors to words, and we have short, but very friendly conversations. "Guh." "Oh really?" I'll ask. "Bunggg." "Well, that's what I've heard." "Nar!" "Are you calling him back?" "Meeeeeaaaaa." "Yes, obviously. You are so right."
The rest of the weekend I spend working on a recap, catching up on our TV shows (a task that's becoming increasingly impossible; I'm giving up on Chuck, Reaper and probably a few more programs) and playing the excellent Team Fortress 2, which comes out of beta on Wednesday. It's the most fun I've had in an online game in a while. It doesn't hurt that it looks like The Incredibles and plays like a dream.

by Omar G. at 2:37 PM
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