Feeling a little better today (working from home has helped). Last night I sucked it up and finished a weecap of How I Met Your Mother, which I'll be 'weecapping' this season for Television Without Pity. You can find my 'cap of the the season premiere here. That means I'm officially off of Californication, which is the exact opposite show, and thus not nearly as fun to write about. I'd rather write about Marshall's adorableness than Duchovny's bare ass anyday.
I feel like absolute crap today and had to leave work early because I was feeling pained, nauseous and sleepy. I think it was the perfect storm of a minor stomach bug, lack of sleep from most of the weekend and incredible soreness I had last night from wearing the Baby Bjorn for two hours. My back and shoulders are killing me even though it seemed fine at the time. They should put a warning on that thing.