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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Closing night
Tonight's the last performance of the new LCP show. I'm heading up to Austin with my brother in a little while to see it. If for no other reason, the show's been a success because of some of the online attention some of the videos have gotten. The "300" video is past 207,000 views and shows no signs of slowing down.
It's been kind of great just staying home and taking care of Lilly. Except for a movie last week that I got to slip out to see (Superbad, which was fantastic), I haven't really gone anywhere. I had to run some errands in Austin on Thursday, including something for work, but other than that, our days and nights have reolved around her eating schedule. It's been kind of cool to be so focused on that and not have to worry about getting up for work. That ends on Tuesday when I go back to the job, but things are settling down here and we've had lots of help.
The girl can poop, though. Oh my, God. Sometimes she'll take a break from pooping to drop another poop. Sometimes I'll be cleaning one poop and there's two more on deck, with a pee for good measure. I thought people were joking when they said they went through a case of diapers in a week. Shit, she goes through five diapers in half an hour.
The baby goes through diapers the way I went through porn in my 20s.
I probably shouldn't have said that.
So I'm not looking forward to work, even though I'm looking forward to seeing how all these parts of my life will start to fit together. It'll be a much bigger challenge when my wife goes back to work, but some things are easier now, at least. The LCP show is finished, the anticipation and waiting of the birth are behind us. I guess I'm just ready to get on with it, to move ahead. It's been wonderful living in this cocoon, though.
Let's see, what else... Oh, hey -- Frisky Dingo's second season premieres tomorrow night on Adult Swim, 11 p.m Central. You can see it here in advance. It's phenomenal:
We'll be posting more LCP videos, I'm sure, and I'll post them here.
Thanks for all the well-wishes about Lilly. She reads all her mail and when she's old enough to form letters into words, she'll be replying in full.
by Omar G. at 5:07 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Hep-A Juice
by Omar G. at 7:48 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
David Duchovny. Babies. Not related.
My second Weecap of Californication is up on Television Without Pity and the grade has slipped from B- to C. It's called "Vomit, Poopers and Lots of Pubic Hair." I'm starting to think this show is going to be a glorious train wreck. It's really not fun or sexy at all despite all those boobies and ass.
I'm not really sure how to transition from that to this next bit, but here's a picture of Lilly I took on the cell phone today at the doctor's office before a check-up. I'm kind of impressed that my aging, crappy Razr took it:

by Omar G. at 2:35 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
While nursing
She: She is the best baby ever!
He: Well, besides Jesus.
She: Oh. Right. Except for Jesus.
by Omar G. at 12:48 AM
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