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Friday, April 20, 2007
The Tables are actually big in Sweden
Do you not find it the case that sometimes Web code talk sounds like people are speaking of musical performers?
See, what we did was we took that seemingly useless observation and spun a full-color, four-panel comical out of it! Alchemy!
You can see today's new Space Monkeys! comic here.
Things you should know:
- There is also a wallpaper that I am loving. You can download it, for the free!
- My thoughts on the sad state of our homeless friend, Microsoft Clippy, below the strip.
- A strange offer for mass foot-rubbing. I don't know quite what I was thinking there.
- This bulleted list came out of it. I must be high on coffee-fuel.

by Omar G. at 10:17 AM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I vibe with Thursday
Hola, peepletons.
Nothing of significance to say today, just wanted to catch up.
I'm listening to Timbaland and he's telling a little momma to break it down and to back it up. But the repetition makes it unclear about the order. I believe that backing it up then breaking it down would produce the most desirable result. You're welcome, ladies.
There was supposed to be a new comic today (or at least a new desktop wallpaper that I love), but PJ and I have had a hard time communicating lately because of our very different schedules. I've been trying to get to bed earlier (unsuccessfully) and that's usually our prime comic-writing time. It's a running joke that as soon as he gets on AIM, I have one foot out the door. I swear it's not on purpose.
My iBook laptop broke down last night. I went to the Apple store and they told me to come back in eight hours for an appointment. It's under Applecare warranty, so I'm not too stressed about it, but it is strange that it happened on the eve of the first new Smallville episode in a while. It's as if the laptop committed hari kari rather than face the rest of Season Six. I hear you, iBook. I hear you.
Check out the Mr. T video on the Digital Savant. Moka found it, so I can't take credit, but goddamn that is some funny shit that some marketing/PR people paid big bucks to produce. Would that all marketing dollars could be used for stuff like that.
I haven't been able to get to the gym. This is sad.
Rebecca bought me a spa treatment for my birthday that I'm using this weekend. I called the place and after we set up the massage and mini-facial (shuddup; it's a gift), they mentioned in passing, "It's a male masseuse, by the way. It that all right?"
Dude, what am I supposed to say? No? I went, "...yeah! That's no problem at all whatsoever. Yep. No problem. Let's do this thing. YES!"
Rebecca asked if that meant I was still getting a happy ending. "Shit, I hope so!" I told her.
See how I'm trying to make it not an issue? Because it's not. At all.
So on Saturday, some dude's going to be laying hands upon me for an hour. Awesome. Can. Not. Wait. There might be oil.
Best birthday ever. Just watch.
by Omar G. at 4:41 PM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Defying expectations
If a big Hollywood movie star was going to be burned in effigy for being naughty and kissing a beautiful lady Bollywood star... did you ever think it would be Richard Gere?
by Omar G. at 2:19 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
"General Bastid" as he is called, takes a bad idea and makes it worse, with help from Grindhouse in the latest Space Monkeys! comic, posted this morning.
I had the worst time trying to sleep last night. I had to be in Austin early (9:30 a.m. is early for me) to speak at a diversity journalism panel at UT. My anxiety about accidentally oversleeping, added to my usual trouble getting back to a normal sleep pattern on a Sunday night mixed with an idea for something that literally kept me awake as I wrote it in my head all conspired against me. At 2 a.m., I was drinking a cup of milk and dreading the inevitable alarm clock sounding.
Other than that, the weekend was pretty awesome. I upgraded my C: drive on the desktop with almost no incident (320 giggity-gigs!). Saw The Prestige, which I quite liked. Did some yard work. Went to the gym. Good times, man.
by Omar G. at 1:26 PM
Our lily blooms Click here for the Flickr.com version.
The front yard is going nuts!
More photos on da Flickr.
by Omar G. at 1:04 PM
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