The plan is to write more actual blog entries (and short, stray thoughts) on Terribly Happy now that the new site format is live, but I still want to keep the stuff I’m working on and things that are published/produced elsewhere appearing here.
I can’t stress enough how much of a pain in the ass it had gotten to be dealing with Blogger the last few years. Half the time it wouldn’t publish, other times it messed up my HTML on something simple like adding a link to a post. Uploading an image was a chore and it never formated things the way I wanted it to.
If there were reasons I moved more to posting on Twitter and less on Bloggystyle, it was those. It got to be like having to visit a bad neighborhood where you used to live for a necessary errand that you keep putting off.
Anyway, here’s some of what I would have posted last week if the site had been accessible:
On Monday, I was on NPR talking about Apple (seems like we’re always talking about Apple, huh?). Specifically, iPad sales, the Gizmodo situation and the perception that Apple might be getting a little bit of a bad reputation in some circles. Here’s the audio from the segment and the blog entry I wrote with links to stuff we talked about.
Also last week, I had a story in the Saturday paper about location-based social networks like Gowalla and Foursquare. The story didnt make it online, mostly because I broke down and expanded it into three parts on Digital Savant (at least I think thats why it wasn’t online). The Digital Savant versions also include tips from power users and a few other tidbits we weren’t able to fit in the paper.
Basically, it’s a primer on how to use Foursquare and Gowalla if you’re not already using them (or maybe you are and you’re a little lost.
You can find those entries here: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.