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19 Mar


Shot in New Braunfels, around 9:30 p.m.


9 Dec

I Foreword

A few months ago, I wrote a foreword for a book by two men I don’t know. As people I don’t know go, they’ve been great to deal with. They wrote a book about a frankly fascinating topic (what happens to all your digital schtuff after you shuffle off this analog coil) and, based on the premise alone (and a sample chapter or two), I was thrilled to contribute. It was all done over e-mail and couldn’t have been a more pleasant experience, especially for something so firmly rooted in the discussion of death.

The book is out and you can find it here and here, among other places. In fact, on Amazon, you can read the entire two-page foreword in their book preview. But if you go and do that, you owe it to the hardworking authors to at least buy the book, so please do if you can.

Lilly and trike

4 Aug

Lilly's trike

(Originally posted on Flickr.)

The girls

2 Jul

The girls

Lilly and Carolina hanging out at home.

(Click photo to view on black)

Staycation 2010 checklist

20 May

Staycation 2010

Maybe I needed a longer to-do list.

I’m taking the week off from work and really haven’t accomplished much of anything. I have a freelance story to work on and a few blog posts I want to write, but the main point of the vacation was to stay home, not think about work and do a lot of nothing, which, as the checklist attests to, I think I’ve more than accomplished. And there’s still a whole day left!

Gotta go work on that rap song.

Gruene and Seguin

20 May

Glark came into town and if that man knows anything it’s how to find large artificial pecans.

At one point, he asked me what I thought the large pecan in the second photo below might be made out of. “Mostly pecan, I imagine,” I answered.

Maybe he thought I was joking, but I seriously thought this was a real pecan, encased in some sort of preserving shellac. Don’t they grow giant watermelons and pumpkins and boars? Why not a giant pecan? Glark wonder-killed my dream of giant pecans, that’s for sure.

We went to Gruene where I saw some interesting Whataburger-based art and a very interesting photo of Lyle Lovett at Gruene Music Hall.

Click here to see the set over on Flickr or click on the images below to see larger versions (I’m experimenting with Lightbox on this site).

Mobile pecan




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