2018: Bulldoze; 2019: Foundation
2 Jan

Via Instagram
2018 was my hardest year, the biggest year of change, the one where even my closest friends and family kept asking, “Are you OK? How are you handling all this?”
But it was also an incredibly rewarding year with lots of love and laughter; that’s the part a lot of us forget when we describe what a garbage year it was, that there were still so many wonderful moments to be thankful for.
I am thankful that after leaving a job of 21 years, the fears I had of not being able to support myself financially were unfounded. People came out of the woodwork to help me and to work with me and to open new doors for me and I worked hard to keep those doors open.
I am thankful that my daughters are healthy and growing and becoming wonderful, talented people that I love spending time with. And I’m thankful that I’m loved even when I’m not feeling very lovable or worthy.
There are a lot of things I’ll miss about my life before 2018, but this new path has been so unexpected and exciting, full of offers and new projects and love I could never have imagined for myself. I’m optimistic that will continue.
My incredibly prescient word for 2018 was “Bulldoze.”
For 2019, it’s “Foundation.” I hope that I can keep building a great life for myself and the people I love this year.