Trailers Without Pity: The Dark Knight Rises
26 Apr

This is it, our last Trailers Without Pity video of our fourth season, for Christopher Nolan’s Batman finale, The Dark Knight Rises.
Pablo is a much bigger expert on Batman (and comics in general) than me, so he took the lead on writing this one and I jumped in, Robin-like, when I could to offer my own assistive heroics.
Wait, what, Robin’s not in this Batman series at all? Well, shiiiiiiit.
The video concludes our endless recent slog through superhero movies, but it’s also significant in that it caps off 13 episodes of our fourth season of Trailers Without Pity. And, truth be told, this might be the last video we do in the series.
We still enjoy doing them and they’ve only gotten easier over time as we’ve streamlined the production process, but with Pablo moving to Austin a few months ago, the getting together we do to record audio has gotten much, much harder to coordinate. No joke, we recorded the audio for one of the videos this season in the front seats of my car at the top of a parking garage. That’s how hard it’s been for us to schedule time/location on these.
So instead of coming back in two or three months, we may just have to wind it all down and move on to other stuff, like that comic we’ve been neglecting for so long. I’ll keep you posted on what happens, but in my mind, right now, this is probably the last Trailers Without Pity we’ll do. Thank you all for watching.