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He's Bobbo the Sloth, bitch!


The monkeys return!

The good news is that P.J. is learning to do this a lot faster, so there won't be like a two-month delay between comics anymore.

Unless we run out of ideas. In which case, we're all totally screwed.

We worried that nobody was going to get this one or that it wasn't going to age well, but, oh well. We'll let you be the judge of that. Don't forget to click for the larger version so you can read the chalkboard.

Until next time... SPACE MONKEYS!!!


Click for larger version



Hey, look at this! Stuff to buy! Haaawwwt-Damn!

Clip Art Corner
(yes, a rerun from last time)

"Let's see... if I run through the mountains and live on berries and snow for the next two weeks, I could totally ditch these two."

The usual stuff:
Copyright 2000-2004 by Omar G.
E-mail if you want to be notified of updates.
Don't use any of this stuff unless you plan to pay me first...