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Early complications included prolonged wound healing in 4 cases and transient femoral cutaneous nerve palsy in 2 cases, the mean postoperative Harris Hip . Major Comments: 1. Despite decades of reporting on the significance of this diversity, the formal systematics of these eukaryotic microbes have not kept pace, and a major revision is long overdue. We would like to ask you for a moment of your time to fill in a short questionnaire, at the end of your visit. Best Aid to Ophthalmology is a revision aid for students to help them prepare for ophthalmology examinations. Conclusion Major vascular injury is a known complication of spinal surgery, especially if it involves instrumentation with pedicle screws. HOWEVER, an editor can say: "I reject this paper, but you should go through a major revision and submit a new/different paper." I got that letter on a paper about a year ago, Neck Pain: Revision 2017: Clinical Practice Guidelines A suggestion to repeat the process using a new or different data set or technique would warrant a Major revision decision. but an extensive revision that . Could you extend the due date of my revision ... - Elsevier In the past 2 weeks, I've received initial editorial decisions from Elsevier journals of "Revise" on three papers across two journals. Reject. Manuscript title. Full of hope and the expectation of speedy publication, you submitted to journal X, waited seven weeks and … received a "major revision" decision. Please select. To hide the points, tap the Skeletal System icon and press . New process launched March 2017 for authors to request a revision deadline extension. The agreement form signed by each author remains valid. Elsevier - Clinical Overviews │ Major Depressive Disorder I've published in these journals before and usually there's a distinction between minor revisions (where the revised version is only reviewed by the editor) and major revisions (where the revised version is reviewed again by all of the reviewers). As a Peer Reviewer: When you should say Rejected Manuscript? Good Practice in Revising a Manuscript - Elsevier Please select subject area. Reviewer recommendations and editors' decisions for a ... The author of a manuscript which has received an accept with major revisions decision is to be congratulated, as the editors have concluded that the paper contains a publishable contribution when a list of specified revisions is successfully executed. paper to the point where it needs another major revision. Together they form a unique fingerprint. CFD World: Elsevier: Reviewer Recommendation and Comments ... Artificial Intelligence - Journal - Elsevier Elsevier期刊投稿状态变化说明 - 简书 - . The editors of the Journal of Monetary Economics have concluded that your paper contains a contribution that is publishable when a small list of specified revisions is successfully executed.. The Eye - 9780702079931 - US Elsevier Health Bookshop The deadline for submitting a revised manuscript is provided in the editorial decision email (see also I am an author - where can I find the past reviewer comments?. On 23 consecutive acetabular revision (16 cases Paprosky grade 1 or 2, 5 cases 3A, 1 case 3B and 1 case 4) at an average 28-month follow up, we did not record failures or major complications. Essential Surgery is well-established as one of the leading textbooks of surgery for medical students, core surgical trainees and those in professions allied to medicine. Include in Revision may be ticked or unticked by default, depending on journal configuration. Your target journal's editor has sent your manuscript to two or more peer reviewers. Building on previous . Acceptance with major revisions. BACKGROUND: Postoperative infection remains a major challenge in revision total hip arthroplasty (THA) and revision total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Of papers that were sent out for review, the acceptance rate is 51% for papers from English-speaking countries and 42% for papers from China. or visit . I guess moderate is some where between the two. winners of the 2017 ACM A.M. Turing Award recognizing contributions of lasting and major technical importance to the computing field, is fully revised with the latest developments in processor and system architecture. Author: Pramod TK. If the authors are not paying, the journ. Usually it is major or minor revision. The results and findings will be published and . For future reference, I've summarised the story-so-far for a recently revised and resubmitted manuscript. It is totally different from "accept with major revision" (which might be finally rejected if poorly revised), and "accept with minor revision". Baricitinib is not recommended in COVID-19 patients on dialysis, who have end-stage renal disease (ESRD, eGFR less than 15 mL/minute/1.73 m 2 ), or who have acute kidney injury. visitor survey. We always urge authors to 'Keep Calm and Wait' when it comes to journal statuses. Disclose conflicts of interest of the authors, including equipment loaned or given from medical device industry. A major revision is when the author will have to spend considerable time in revising the manuscript. Begini Contoh Komentar Reviewer Jurnal Elsevier dengan Minor Revision nazroelwathoni September 21, 2016 Ilmiah 1 Comment 5,182 Views - Rabu yang cerah, secerah hati saya saat ini. The third revision is made and the paper is online: Springer Journal Suggester. It also points to take and how could something be described along with board lockouts, thus educational decentralisation: Rhetoric or reality the case in point. Dosage reductions are recommended in adult and pediatric patients 2 years and older with an eGFR of 30 to less than 60 mL/minute/1.73 m 2. After review, the manuscript may be rejected if the manuscript is found to have little originality or significance and/or has serious flaws in relation to method and to data that mean that these Offering in-depth coverage of an often-neglected topic, Revision Lumbar Spine Surgery identifies clinical problems and discusses recent major advances in this challenging area. This review assesses the appropriateness of various imaging studies for adult major blunt trauma or polytrauma in the acute setting. Page: 496. View: 813. The rate of acceptance is intermediate (58%, N = 134) for papers receiving two major revision recommendations, and the acceptance rate is extremely low for papers that received recommendations of reject-major revision (3.5%, N = 201) and reject-reject (0%, N = 125). Overall Manuscript Rating (1 - 100) Reviewer Blind Comments to Author. We are always looking for ways to improve customer experience on Revision Submitted to Journal 重新提交修订本 10. Are you going to submit the revised version or the original though? surveillance without resection)? Tap the Skeletal System Icon, and press the Plus button until you come to the Origin and Insertion layer (the fourth layers of the system). After an editorial decision B (minor revisions) or C/D (revisions/ major revisions required) has been made, authors usually have 2 weeks (B) or . There was informed consent from patients but no IRB approval was mentioned. A literature review is a study - or, more accurately, a survey - involving scholarly material, with the aim to discuss published information about a specific topic or research question. Transfer copyright form 签版权协议 12. Methods. This landmark volume provides a detailed description and analysis of Educational Testing Service's research and development efforts to develop a major revision of the TOEFL ® test. You'll have to ask someone in your field, ideally someone who's published in that journal before. Specific comments 1) In order to update the introduction relative to studies on the flexural testing of GFRP beams, I suggest also to introduce a recent . The result is a book that serves as a case study of test design drawing upon theory in the complex domain of English language proficiency while attempting . I just received a decision letter from a journal editor after three rounds of major revision.. Oct 30, 2020 — A major revision can potentially involve quite a large magnitude of change. Covering general surgery, trauma, orthopaedics, vascular surgery, urology, paediatric surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery and ENT, it also incorporates appropriate levels of basic science . Please note if you select "Major Revision" and the editors agree the paper should be revised, you will automatically be invited to re-review the revised submission. Presented in an easy to read, question and answer format, the book begins with anatomy and physiology of the eye. 2. This book belongs to the following Subject Areas: . There are two major classes of organic chemicals aliphatic: straight or branched chain organic substances aromatic or . Following from 'Five Tips for Writing a Good Rebuttal Letter', we revisit the theme of manuscript resubmission to academic journals. Munn, n. L culture and the way children think about it. Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. Major complications in revision adult deformity surgery: Risk factors and clinical outcomes with 2- to 7-year follow-up. If you decide to participate, a new browser tab will open so you can complete the survey after you have completed your visit to this website. Note that the time it takes for an editor to make a decision on your revision may vary depending on the editor's workload and the time of year. A recent submission to the Journal of Memory and Language, an Elsevier journal has made my hyper-aware of how the way a manuscript's progress through the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) is indicated. The journal of Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) welcomes papers on broad aspects of AI that constitute advances in the overall field including, but not limited to, cognition and AI, automated reasoning and inference, case-based reasoning, commonsense reasoning, computer vision, constraint processing, ethical AI, heuristic search, human interfaces, intelligent robotics, knowledge representation . Normally, revised manuscripts needing major revision are sent back to the original reviewers for another review. With a long, long list of "do this, delete that, rewrite all this…", to boot. The Eye: Basic Sciences in Practice provides highly accessible, one-stop coverage of all the essential basic science required by today's ophthalmologists and optometrists in training. At least one of them felt that some substantial changes were needed before the journal can publish your work. (The worst thing for a compulsive checker like me is that you're not e-mailed about . Architecture / Design. If you already started the revision process, it will be under 'Incomplete Revisions' instead. When the peer-review is concluded, GEs will send their recommendation on the revised manuscript to the managing guest editor (MGE), together with a short rationale clarifying the reasons for their recommendation. Offering in-depth coverage of an often-neglected topic, Revision Lumbar Spine Surgery identifies clinical problems and discusses recent major advances in this challenging area. Cite. Trauma is the leading cause of mortality for people in the United States <45 years of age, and the fourth leading cause of death overall. There's not a fixed number for all the publisher's journals. Origin and Insertion points are available as a layer of the Skeletal System, which show a map of all attachment points across the full skeleton. If you decide to participate, a new browser tab will open so you can complete the survey after you have completed your visit to this website. It is also core reading for those embarking on a career in visual and ophthalmic science, as well as an invaluable, current refresher for the range of practitioners working in this area. Major Dhyan Chandra Award 2021/current affairs/Shubham Mishra/rapid revision • Minor Revision: - if the paper only needs minor corrections, e.g., spelling errors, correction of units, and other minor revisions to meet the requirements in the Guide for Authors. The second major revision is made and the paper is under review now. The impact of receiving a major revision recommendation can be seen in . We are always looking for ways to It's completely up to the editor to decide how many rounds of revisions are appropriate. PLOS ONE is a peer reviewed scientific journal with a rigorous editorial screening and assessment process made up of several stages. Culture and psychology. Now, again it . DOWNLOAD → Publisher: JP Medical Ltd. ISBN: 9789350257609. The power of group editing elsevier english values. identifies issues of . The major institutions of health care, mental health, and welfare often have separate systems of classification and terminology related to defining eligibility for programs and funding for services. You'll find authoritative . Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Composite Structures Manuscript Draft . By changing the manuscript in the ways requested by reviewers and editors, the authors enhance the quality of the paper and meet the requirements of the journal . manuscript is found to require major revision, the manuscript may be rejected and the authors encouraged to submit a new manuscript. It is also core reading for those embarking on a career in visual and ophthalmic science, as well as an invaluable, current refresher for the range of practitioners working in this area. As the author of a manuscript which has received an accept with minor revisions decision, you are to be congratulated. You can choose your academic level: high school, college/university, master's or pHD, and we will assign you a writer who can satisfactorily meet your professor's expectations. Most of the journals are quite flexible when it comes to publishing papers. Answer (1 of 6): Thanks for answer request You can submit your paper and get it published for free in many journals under Elsevier. This paper presents the results of a study conducted at Washington State University in the Spring of 2008. A request to include a section on comparing the results with the work of previous authors, thus Figure 3: Recommendation options pull-down menu . Dive into the research topics of 'Mapping of DBR1 and YPK1 suggests a major revision of the genetic map of the left arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XI'. Treatment approach has evolved with the advancement of endovascular technology; however, open surgery remains an option when anatomy or infection is prohibitive. The initial feedback from editors and reviewer's about one's work can trigger a variety of reactions based on its analysis. Our objective was to describe presurgical QoL among women undergoing immediate, delayed, or major revision breast reconstructive surgery at our institution. Revision of the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps: Developmental issues . Check the 'Include in Revision' box next to each original item that you wish to keep as part of your revised submission. Answer (1 of 4): That's easy; you submit it to another journal. Elsevier Science & Technology . At a fine-grained level, revision control . Subject area. The result of the first round of peer review was 'major revision' and the result of .. Apr 20, 2021 — mdpi major revision. Major Revision. In this case, the paper should probably be rejected, because two major revisions are not allowed. However, it may not be prudent to begin celebrating just yet, because for those same reasons, it may perhaps not get accepted. Dr. Robert F. Heary and a team of international experts share their knowledge and experience with even the most difficult lumbar cases, helping you provide optimal outcomes for your patients. Major depressive disorder is a chronic and relapsing disease, characterized by a pervasive sad mood and the loss of pleasure in most activities (anhedonia) Rule out underlying physical illnesses that may mimic major depressive disorder (eg, hypothyroidism, dementia) Diagnosis relies on history and physical examination, as well as validated . Chromosomes Medicine . Select your manuscript under 'Submissions Needing Revision' from your 'Author Main Menu'. You'll find authoritative . Methods: From March 2008 to February 2009, we administered preoperative BREAST-Q questionnaires to women who presented to our institution for breast reconstruction. It should take at least a few weeks for rereview and the editor to make a decision after your revision (if the previous decision was B, then much less). Animesh Talapatra. visitor survey. The manuscript was reviewed by two reviewers so that Reviewer #1 rejected my manuscript because he/she believed that my . Upload the file(s) for your revised . Untick it for those files that you have prepared a new version. Problem Solving Volume 1 Elsevier Ergonomics Book Series instructions precisely. Elsevier Author Workshop - How to write a scientific paper… and get it published. Follow these steps to request for an extension of the due date of your revision: Log in to the journal where your manuscript is located. In short, "major revisions" means you've got work to do on your manuscript, but you're still very much in the game. In my field (chemistry), the practice is: for those journals that make a clear distinction between minor and major revision requests, "major revision" means that the paper will have to undergo further review after revision, usually by the same referees, while "minor revision" means that while changes should be . Special Issue Questionnaire. How to Get Published in a Research Journal Katherine Eve Publisher, Geochemistry & Geophysics Journals, Elsevier Limited IDRC 2012 26th August 2012. Therefore, to write a literature review, it is compulsory that you are a real expert in the object of study. Though, your paper will not be an open access. Acceptance with minor revisions. Biomedicine. If you responded to the questions raised it will be 99% accepted without further review. Samuel K. Cho, Keith H. Bridwell, Lawrence G. Lenke, Jin Seok Yi, Joshua M. Pahys, Lukas P. Zebala, Matthew M. Kang, Woojin Cho, Christine R. Baldus. Within a given version number category (major, minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the software. I recommend the publication on the journal with major revision. 8. Were the patients given the option to undergo conventional care (i.e. To give this an answer: Yes, it is posisble that you are again asked to make major revisions. It's the very best it can possibly be (even your supervisor says so!). However, papers from China that were sent out for review had more negative reviewer recommendations of reject and major revision than did papers from English-speaking countries (Figure 2). Minor revision/Major revision 小修/大修 9. Multivariable regression models were fit to identify predictors of major post-surgical complications, revision amputation, length of hospitalization, and in-hospital mortality. 25th Dec, 2020. Next Article News in brief… For a review journal like The Lancet Neurology , it is rather worrying that the results of a cohort analysis published recently in the BMJ suggest that review articles are not as accurate and reliable as most clinicians think ( BMJ 2003; 327 : 266). On the other or even painful experience. In Press, Corrected Proof 文章在印刷中,且该清样已经过作者校对 14. The revision has been developed in consultation with all coauthors , and each author has given approval to the final form of this revision. PLOS ONE considers original research articles from all disciplines within the journal's scope in the natural sciences, medical research, engineering, as well as the related social sciences and humanities. Wound irrigation with dilute povidone-iodine (PI) solution has emerged as a simple, inexpensive, and potentially successful means of reducing postoperative infections. Uncorrected proof 等待你校对样稿 13. Dr. Robert F. Heary and a team of international experts share their knowledge and experience with even the most difficult lumbar cases, helping you provide optimal outcomes for your patients. The study examined the occurrence of prewriting and revision in 890 timed . Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Medicine & Life Sciences 100%. Click 'Next' to proceed. 1. Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique Version numbers to unique states of computer software. For each question, please use the following scale to answer (place an x in the space provided): "To what extent does the article meet this criterion?" What is a major revision? I am sure you can find another one, perhaps not quite so high-ranking, but respectable. • Major Revision: - if the paper requires significant reconstruction, correction, expansion, additional references, etc. It only takes a minute to sign up. In this manuscript, a novel mathematical method and an improved formulation were proposed to address a significant issue in vibration. . a major source of morbidity/mortality related to CD, should be mentioned. Status update on Aug 28, 2019. Peer review—reject, accept, or major revision? We are always looking for ways to improve customer experience on Results: A total of 2879 patients underwent a major lower extremity amputation secondary to a trauma-related lower limb injury, representing 0.18% of all NTDB trauma . Revise as Short Communication. Major Revisions, or Minor Revisions. Status update on Mar 5, 2020. Revision guide [PDF] - GcecompilationGuide for authors - Journal of Biological Chemistry - ISSN IB Chemistry revision . Once assumed to encompass a single panmictic species, genetic evidence has revealed a divergent and rich diversity within the zooxanthella genus Symbiodinium. The Eye: Basic Sciences in Practice provides highly accessible, one-stop coverage of all the essential basic science required by today's ophthalmologists and optometrists in training. A major revision is made and the paper is under review now. Major revisions are required if the general idea of the paper is novel, but the presentation needs a lot of revisions. Perhaps it would be best to go over it again -it is a chance to put bits back. It is widely assumed that the constraints of timed essay exams will make it virtually impossible for students to engage in the major hallmarks of the writing process, especially revision, in testing situations. This is not the "kiss of death". To answer your question, as it has gone through two rounds of revision, that too with an Elsevier journal, it is likely to be accepted. Building on previous . Our guide to revision is based on the fundamental objective of the review process, which is to determine the significance and the scientific rigour of a submitted manuscript. This decision category — which is called . Status update on Sep 25, 2019. How. Another major revision needs to be done based on the last revision. We would like to ask you for a moment of your time to fill in a short questionnaire, at the end of your visit. Reviewer Confidential Comments to Editor. Manuscript text. Accepted 接受(恭喜了) 11. Recently, my manuscript took a major revision in a very high-quality journal in Elsevier. Publishing a special issue (SI) with Elsevier's five flagships in Environmental Science being Environmental Pollution, Chemosphere, Environment International, Environmental Research and Science of the Total Environment, should convey certain up-to-date, currently important research trends/themes.Papers published in special issues should cover exceptional topics . Enter your manuscript details to see a list of journals most suitable for your research. Category: Medical. 3. A complete rejection after reviewers examination is when the paper is. visitor survey. . Manuscript Sent to Production 排版 2. Answer format, the book begins with anatomy and physiology of the authors, including equipment loaned or from! Cases, the mean postoperative Harris Hip form signed by each author remains valid address a significant in! 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