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24 Jan
PDF EIC Work Programme 2021 - Science\|Business 4 Calls For Proposal Cloud, Data and Artificial Intelligence Digital Europe main Work Programme calls Large-scale pilots for cloud-to . It provides a unique blended finance combining equity (or quasi-equity such as convertible loans . ; Blended Finance Option: In addition to funding of up to 2.5 million €, companies can apply for a further 15 million € equity capital. The aim of the second pilot was the effective funding of more exiting innovation that include researchers startups and scaleup companies. Key features of the EIC work programme This is the first work programme for the European Innovation Council (EIC). 4. The EIC work programme describes the funding available for researchers, innovators, start-ups and SMEs. Call for proposals 2021 - STRATEGIC AUTONOMY IN DEVELOPING, DEPLOYING AND USING GLOBAL SPACE-BASED INFRASTRUCTURES, SERVICES, APPLICATIONS AND DATA 2022. EIC Accelerator (Open and Challeges) (Grant) Market uptake, deployment EIC Accelerator (Equity) EIC Transition (Open and Challenges) The EIC Instruments and the TRL 27. It was initially planned for January but has been postponed due to the delay in the adoption of the EIC work programme detailing the calls and budgets for 2022. In October, NCP Brussels will organize a webinar dedicated to funding opportunities offered by the European Innovation Council (EIC) in 2022. The EIC Accelerator supports top-class innovative entrepreneurs, specifically SMEs. The programme witnessed success during a pilot between 2018 and 2020 and has a budget of €10.1B. Announced as the largest deep technology fund in Europe, the EIC is expected to invest in EU start-ups and SMEs over a billion Euros this year and every other year between now and 2027.Companies can get financial support in the form of grants and equity for a total of up to 17.5 million Euros. Scope : 1.Support to innovative companies in a) widening countries (300-400 per year) and b) women-led innovative companies across the whole EU and HE 3rd pillar Associated Countries (600-800 per year) aiming at preparing high quality EIC Accelerator . With a two-day event held on March 19 and 20, 2021, the European Innovation Council (EIC) has officially launched the largest deep technology fund in Europe.. The new EIC Accelerator is here! Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society - Cluster 2. Total budget for 2021: €1141.8M European Innovation Ecosystems: Connecting with regional and national innovation actors. Health. As several novelties have been introduced within the EIC Pilot Work Programme 2020 which reflect the new European Commission's leadership priorities, the European Commission in conjunction with the Access2EIC National Contact Point Network is . 14th September 2021 at 1:21 pm. This highly competitive programme helps you to develop your business concept further into a market-ready product, service or process aligned . Horizon Europe - #HorizonEU - is the European Union's flagship Research and Innovation programme, part of the EU-long-term Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) with a budget of €84,9bn (including €75,9bn from the MFF and €5bn from the Next Generation Europe) to spend over a seven-year period (2021-2027). You may also consider the Pathfinder Challenge call with foreseen deadline in October 2022. It was followed by a reinforced pilot in March 2019. As the ERC work programme was already published on 22nd February and the one of the EIC on 17th March, all the R&I community was looking forward to getting access to the final texts of . Autumn 2021 and early 2022 STEP 04 STEP 02. Although competitive, an average of 29% of project applications receive funding and business benefits range from an average 15% . It builds on the experience of the EIC pilot under Horizon 2020 and on the advice from the EIC pilot Advisory Board. EIC Work Programme - Outlook for 2022 and future years The EIC Work programme activities are expected to evolve and develop in each annual work programme based on the advice from the EIC Board and experience from implementation and the dynamics of the world of innovation. Due to a delay in the adoption of the EIC work programme 2022, there will be no EIC Accelerator cut-off date in January as originally foreseen. Let's work together. 1,183 followers. 19 Seal of Excellence The EIC Work Programme for 2022 is expected to be published in the coming weeks. CL5 Work Programme 2021-2022 - budget distribution per destination Destination Number of topics Budget mln EUR] % Share . Horizon Europe is the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The main difference between the Pathfinder Open and the Challenge calls is the pre-defined topics for the latter. The pilot programme offers services (Climate Impact tool and Market Uptake) to EIC Accelerator start-up beneficiaries and; EIC early-stage beneficiaries, and also access to grants and/or equity investment from EIC to our EIT Climate-KIC mature portfolio of start-ups (Fast Track). The first deadline (cut-off) date for the EIC Accelerator Open 2021 (09 June) has been postponed by a week. B, or . Digital, Industry and Space. The EIC Accelerator is a prestigious competitive program of the European Commission, which offers grants combined with equity investments through the EIC Fund. 5mo. Call for proposals 2021 - WORLD LEADING DATA AND COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES 2022. Since the opening of the EIC Accelerator on 9 April, over 2000 start-ups and SMEs submitted short applications. The Commission has adopted the main work programme of Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2022. the EIC Accelerator pilot (grant only and blended finance), building upon the SME Instrument; The Enhanced EIC pilot also includes other calls and actions such as Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) and the Horizon Prizes. C. depending on the stage of their EIC application. The EIC Accelerator Challenges 2021 call was launched (HORIZON-EIC-2021-ACCELERATORCHALLENGES-01) The EIC Accelerator Challenges 2021 call supports companies (mainly start-ups and SMEs) to step up high-impact innovations with the potential to create new markets or change existing ones in identified areas of strategic relevance. Key features of the EIC work programme This is the first work programme for the European Innovation Council (EIC). As soon as information on the next EIC Accelerator cut-off date is available, it will be published on the EIC website and shared through our social media channels. Climate, Energy and Mobility Deadlines: Post- Horizon 2020, the EIC Accelerator accepts Step 1 submissions now while the deadlines for the full applications (Step 2) will be on January 12 th 2022, April 6 th 2022, June 15 th 2022 and October 5 th 2022 under Horizon Europe. The call for preliminary applications is issued on a rolling basis. No luck with EIC Accelerator? It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU's competitiveness and growth. In addition to financial support, all projects benefit from a range of Business Acceleration Services that provide access to leading expertise, corporates, investors and ecosystem actors. 2 DISCLAIMER The launching of the calls for proposals contained in the EIC Work Programme and presented hereinafter is conditional upon the final adoption without . EU Missions info days will be held on 18 and 19 January 2022! EIC Accelerator Cornelius Schmaltz & Catherine Eginard 19/03/2021. The EIC Accelerator is one of the many funding opportunities under the Horizon Europe funding program, running from 2021 to 2027. The cut-off dates for 2021 (for both Accelerator Open and Accelerator challenges) are: Wednesday 16 June, 2021; Wednesday 6 October, 2021; The interviews dates for 2021are: 22 - 30 November 2021; Due to a delay in the adoption of the EIC work programme 2022, there will be no EIC Accelerator cut-off date in January as originally foreseen. The pilot programme offers services (Climate Impact tool and Market Uptake) to EIC Accelerator start-up beneficiaries and; EIC early-stage beneficiaries, and also access to grants and/or equity investment from EIC to our EIT Climate-KIC mature portfolio of start-ups (Fast Track). Companies will be invited into the programme on a . Find out what the new EIC Accelerator looks like! Deadline: 6 April 2022 Horizon Europe has a wide variety of open calls for culture, creativity and inclusive society, with closing dates in September 2021 or April 2022. EIC Accelerator Cornelius Schmaltz 06/05/2021 (Giornata nazionale di lancio dei bandi, Italy) 2 The EIC Accelerator . The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in . All the missing parts of the Horizon Europe Main work programme 2021-2022 were published yesterday on the Participant Portal, finally! 20. . The Enhanced EIC Pilot Work Programme 2018-2020 under Horizon 2020 aims at facilitating that transition towards a fully-fledged EIC. Jun 2021. Horizon Europe Main Work Programme 2021-2022 adopted. Generally speaking: You are ready for the EIC Accelerator ( SME Instrument Phase 2 ) when you know that your project is feasible and what your target . 15 As a non-associated third country, can Swiss entities participate as applicants in EIC Pathfinder and . Published: 17 June 2021. 2 The EIC Accelerator . Call for proposals 2021 - STRATEGIC AUTONOMY IN DEVELOPING, DEPLOYING AND USING GLOBAL SPACE-BASED INFRASTRUCTURES, SERVICES, APPLICATIONS AND DATA 2022. In accordance with the Horizon Europe legislation, this work programme implements the following key features. Culture, creativity and inclusive society. 19 Seal of Excellence 12 1.5 Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) . Work Programme & Calls . The programme, like its predecessor Horizon 2020, continues to focus on breakthrough innovations developed by entrepreneurs and scientific-industrial consortia. Calle Vía Augusta, 48 , 5º 3ª, . CALL: EIC Accelerator 2021-2027 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Cut-offs at 12 January 2022, 6 April 2022; 15, June 2022 and 5, October 2022 ORGANISING ENTITY: European Commission OBJETIVE. • Indicates the financial amount to be requested from the EIC accelerator (recalling that the maximum grant amount is €2.5 and the equity comillion,mponent should be between €0.5 and 15 million) • Provides assurance that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria as set out in the EIC work programme. The selected companies will receive grants and/or equity investments, depending on their needs, up to a maximum of EUR 17.5 million. The new deadline (cut-off) date is 16 June 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time. In addition to financial support, all projects benefit from a range of Business Acceleration Services that provide access to leading expertise, corporates, investors and ecosystem actors. ZÁKLADNÉ INFORMÁCIE. Applicants . January #deadline for the EIC Accelerator #cancelled! The EIC Accelerator is intended as a funding instrument for small and medium-sized enterprises that meet the SME criteria. Due to a delay in the adoption of the EIC work programme 2022, there will be no EIC Accelerator cut-off date in January: https://lnkd.in/dSx8Pz9x The European Commission must project an image of . If rejected one time Autumn 2021 and early 2022 STEP 04 STEP 02. EIT Digital 2022 calls. 50% of applications at each of the three steps of the application procedure. The program will invest in EU start-ups and SMEs over a billion Euros this year and every other year between now and 2027. The EIC work programme has been published, and includes the EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition and EIC Accelerator. Call for proposals 2021 - WORLD LEADING DATA AND COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES 2022. The 2021-2027 funding It is one of the instruments of the European Innovation Council Work Programme, part of Horizon Europe. Project partners: at least 2 partners from at least 2 different Eureka countries.It has to be a well balanced consotium. EIC Accelerator 2022 cut dates will be announced on our Horizon Europe page when the EIC 2022 Work Program is officially announced. On 15 June 2021, the European Commission adopted the Work Programme 2021-2022 of the new EU framework programme for research and innovation Horizon Europe. 18 Short application 1. The European Commission selects 99 innovative start-ups and SMEs that will receive EUR 627 million of EU funding to help them bring their promising technologies to the market. Deadlines: Post- Horizon 2020, the EIC Accelerator accepts Step 1 submissions now while the deadlines for the full applications (Step 2) will be on January 12 th 2022, April 6 th 2022, June 15 th 2022 and October 5 th 2022 under Horizon Europe. EUA against the reduced budget for Horizon 2022. . HE Main Work Programme 2021-2022 - 8. The next applicable EIC Accelerator deadline will be 6 April 2022. In accordance with the Horizon Europe legislation, this work programme implements the following key features. EIT Climate-KIC is working together with the European Innovation Council (EIC) Business Acceleration Services to offer you a new programme, in which 80 EIC accelerator startups, scale-ups or SMEs will be able to participate. . HE Main Work Programme 2021-2022 - 7. The EIC Accelerator Program (formerly SME Instrument) is part of the European Innovation Council (EIC) funding programs and supports renowned innovators, entrepreneurs, small businesses and scientists with funding . We are inviting you to join an Info-day Webinar on the topic " European Innovation Council Pilot: EIC Pathfinder and Accelerator 2020 calls ". But there will be no four deadlines in 2022 either as the EIC cancelled the deadline of 12 January 2022. - Why not try Eurostars 3 instead? 17 The Resubmission Rules. EIC pilot phase (2018-20) under Horizon 2020 programme. The new EIC Accelerator is around the corner. EIT Climate KIC will help you understand, measure, and forecast how your product or service mitigates climate change. Funding: The funding amounts to 0.5 to 2.5 million €.At the beginning of the project you will receive pre-financing of up to 55% of the funding amount, a further 30% after your interim report and the remaining amount after your final report. HE Main Work Programme 2021-2022 - 6. Very high demand: ~ 14000 applications from SMEs/ startups in 2020 with request for over €40 billion support This should happen within 6 months of Step 2 cut-offs - most likely in 2022. Brief about the EIC. The new Eurostars 3 funding programme has just opened and there is sufficient time for you to apply before the next submission deadline on 4 November 2021 at 14:00 CET.. The deadline for the 2021 proper applications (for both Accelerator Open and Accelerator Challenge) is Wednesday, 6 October. If the activity concerns a primarily . The new EIC Accelerator work program has been published here. Due to a delay in the adoption of the EIC work programme 2022, there will be no EIC Accelerator cut-off date in January as originally foreseen. 1 The EIC Horizon Work Programme 2021 has been published by the European Commission and is available here. •Call open as from adoption of the work programme •Remote evaluation results within 2-4 weeks . The European Innovation Council was launched under the Horizon Europe programme. Call for proposals 2021 - Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the green deal. 5d #eicaccelerator - first cut-off date in 2022 delayed Due to a delay in the adoption of the EIC work programme 2022, there will be no EIC Accelerator cut-off date in January as originally. Companies can submit their ideas to the EIC Accelerator at any time. The funding opportunities announced today in the first work programme of the European Innovation Council include: EIC Accelerator financing, worth €1 billion, for start-ups and SMEs to develop and scale up high impact innovations with the potential to create new markets or disrupt existing ones. The most important info is summarized in the work programme and the EIC Applicant's Day 2021. . Applicants may select either to apply for . Indicative information, subject to EIC Work Programme 2022 approval Under discussion for 2022: Thematic EIC accelerator priority on „Open Strategic Autonomy", covering innovative space applications EIC Work Programme 2021.pdf (europa.eu) EIC Work Programme 2022 European Innovation Council Summit 24-25 November 2021 The amended version of the Mission Work programme has been published on 15 December 2021. The EIC Accelerator is also an important part of the new Horizon Europe framework programme. As . 3. 17. A. and/or . The European Innovation Council (EIC) Business Acceleration Services invites EIC Pathfinder (FET-Open & FET-Proactive) and Transition beneficiaries to participate in our new instalments of the Innovation Training Workshops, taking place either on 14-15 February 2022, 7-8 March 2022 or 11-12 May 2022. Activities could, for example, include trials, prototyping, validation, demonstration and testing in real-world conditions, and market replication. With four deadlines announced for #2022, the #EIC #Accelerator was supposed to follow the predecessor program "SME Instrument" and return to familiar patterns. *Update 1st January 2021* Following the Brexit deal agreed in December 2020, the UK will associate to Horizon Europe subject to ratification of the overall. For an SME to be eligible, it must be established in an EU Member State, or in a Horizon 2020 associated country. 18 January 2022. The event focuses on the relevant calls of the Work Programme 2021-2022 for European Innovation Ecosystems aiming to: build interconnected, inclusive innovation ecosystems across Europe by drawing on the existing strengths of national, regional and local ecosystems The programme EIC Accelerator, previously known as SME Instrument, launched its pilot phase in October 2017. Due to a delay in the adoption of the EIC Work Programme, the January 2022 cut-off date has been postponed. This article is the first in a series in which we focus on explaining the principles of financing in the EIC programme, with a substantial budget of EUR 10 billion. Option. This programme part comes with a budget of around EUR 10 billion for the seven-year programme period and is intended to support the identification . En raison du retard pris dans l'adoption du Work Programme 2022, la première cut off date 2022 EIC Accélérateur (pour le dépôt de Full Application) aura lieu début avril, et non début janvier comme initialement prévu.. Retrouvez ici la communication officielle de la Commission Européenne hier à ce sujet.. La date définitive ne sera toutefois connue qu'au moment de la publication . The Programme is delayed due to COVID-19 but will run from 2021-27 with most calls released around April 2021. Application Generator We are specialized in the EIC accelerator programme, . The Step 1 applications must be submitted weeks in advance of Step 2. The EIC is a growing community of innovators, investors, corporates, experts and other innovation enthusiasts and there are many ways to get involved, to invest, to partner and network, and help the EIC select the next generation of innovators. NOTE: Important info for PES-applicants to the EIC Accelerator-scheme with a deadline of 12 January 2022: the EU Commission has cancelled this deadline due to delays with the EIC work programme for 2022. Share ; LATEST EVENTS. Start-ups and young companies as well as natural persons are also eligible to apply. At the beginning of the year, the 2021 Work Programmes for the European Research Council (ERC) and the European Innovation Council (EIC) as well as dedicated calls on COVID . Financial support is provided through three main instruments: 'Pathfinder' for advanced research on breakthrough / game-changing technologies; 'Transition' for transforming research results into innovation opportunities; EIC Accelerator. (EIC Accelerator Open and EIC Accelerator Challenges) and who would want to apply for the cut-off dates in 2022 as stated in the EIC work programme. Get in touch. The program with the highest success rate, around 30%. The EIC Accelerator is a prestigious competitive program of the European Commission, which offers grants combined with equity investments through the EIC Fund. A separate document with the history of changes is also avilable. In accordance with the Horizon Europe legislation, this work programme implements the following key features. For ideas meeting the EIC criteria for excellence, impact and risk-level, companies are invited to prepare full applications to submit to one of the regular cut-off dates. Mission Work Programme 2021-2022 - update. It builds on the experience of the EIC pilot under Horizon 2020 and on the advice from the EIC pilot Advisory Board. Approx €1.1B of this budget has been made available in 2021 for the EIC Accelerator. The overall program as well as preliminary deadlines for the EIC calls was recently communicated in a dedicated draft work programme for 2022. The EIC Accelerator call remains open for submissions, with the next cut-off date for applications expected sometime this year. The EIC Accelerator Annotated Proposal Template, . Option . HE Main Work Programme 2021-2022 - 5. Here, the main structure of the EIC funding program remains since the 2021-programme and it is divided into the three paths of EIC Pathfinder, Transition and Accelerator, with both Open calls and Challenges. Work Programme (latest PDF version) Open Calls (on F&T Portal) . Horizon Europe is the EU's key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion. Civil Security for Society. Autumn 2021 and early 2022 STEP 04 STEP 02. Both documents can be retrieved from our website on the Mission page. It builds on the experience of the EIC pilot under Horizon 2020 and on the advice from the EIC pilot Advisory Board. Budget of €3.5 billion (2018-20), €1.55 billion in 2020 . Project focus: like the EIC Accelerator, but with more focus around collaboration and the possibility to work on earlier projects; Project duration: max 3 years. . Deadlines for next year's calls will be set out in the 2022 EIC Work Programme and announced likely in Q4 2021. This is the first work programme for the European Innovation Council (EIC). Click here to get information about EIC Accelerator. 19. HE Main Work Programme 2021-2022 - 4. The European Innovation Council is the flagship programme of the European Union to support breakthrough technologies and game-changing innovations. 25-06-2021 The Danish Programme for Renewables and Energy Efficiency offers a funding opportunity for both single companies or consortia seeking to develop new technology that improves the . Find out what the new EIC Accelerator looks like! Reform of existing instruments (Future Emerging Technologies, SME instrument) into EIC pilot Pathfinder and Accelerator. For more details, including the expected outcome and impact, see the EIC Work Programme 2021. Mar 2021. EIC Accelerator je zameraný na mimoriadne inovačné MSP, ktoré majú ambíciu rozvíjať vlastný rastový potenciál.Ponúka granty na hlavnú fázu inovačného projektu (predvádzanie, tvorba prototypov, skúšanie, rozvoj použiteľnosti až do 2,5 milióna) a investície vstupom do základného kapitálu na globálny predaj (až do 15 miliónov eur). The overall objective of the EIC is to identify, develop and deploy high-risk innovations of all kind with a particular focus on breakthrough, market-creating and deep-tech innovations. The Step 1 applications must be submitted weeks in advance of Step 2. EIC Accelerator helps you develop your business concept further into a market-ready product, service or process aligned with your company's growth strategy. EIC Accelerator Catherine Eginard 12/03/2021. News from the EIC Accelerator - 12/08/2021 Resubmission of full proposal and rebuttal of first evaluation result While we believe that we have established an overall very . Horizon 2020 Work-Programme 2018-2020 Towards the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation: Enhanced European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot IMPORTANT NOTICE ON THIS WORK PROGRAMME This Work Programme covers 2018, 2019 and 2020. Objectives are: The European Commission has published the first work programme for the European Innovation Council (EIC) in the new EU Framework programme for research and innovation Horizon Europe. The parts of the Work Programme that relate to 2020 These statistics are in line with EIC's overall intention of approving ca. Call for proposals 2021 - Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the green deal. 3 Digital Europe Work Programme Main Programme 2021-2022 approved with 1,38 b€ funding First calls from the end of November 2021 Grants from 50% to 100% of Eligible costs Project durations: 12-60 months.
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